
by Проф-Союз



The trade card is a convenient catalog of discounts and special offers for trade union members of Obninsk.🛍 Discounts and great deals for different needsPartner organizations are divided into categories in which you can easily find what you need. Use the "Add to Favorites" function so that your favorite discounts are always nearby.📍Addresses and phone numbers of partner organizationsYou do not need to switch to another application to see the address and phone number of partners❇️Discount card is always at handGet discounts on electronic discount card instead of plastic🌐Large union coverageWe work with unions:1. ONPP "Technology" named after A. G. Romashina2. SSC RF - IPPE3. MRRC them. A.F. Tsyba4. NLMK - Kaluga5. Instrument factory "Signal"6. Educational institutions of Obninsk7. Federal State Budgetary Health Institution KB No. 8 of the FMBA of Russia (TsMSCH)